Lend a Hand To The Handlooms


Handloom forms an important part of generational legacy in India and exemplifies the richness, which has been kept alive by skilled weavers engaged in the age-old tradition of weaving. Currently the Handloom industry is being plagued by multi faceted problems. Handloom is the cultural heritage of our country and hence it is imperative to protect.

The Advantages of Geographical Indicators

Tea Board of India

Overall, the Tea Board of India, which is responsible for the protection of the tea industry in India, has taken a lot of effort to protect the Darjeeling Tea brand. This has been possible because “the system makes it compulsory for all the dealers in Darjeeling Tea to enter into a licence agreement with the Tea Board of India on payment of an annual licence fees.

Geographical Indications

Geographical Indications

Consider the following examples that illustrate the importance of source indicating capacity of a product. The American company Anheuser-Busch (A-B) was using the trademarks “BUDWEISER” & “BUD” since 1876 for identifying its main product beer. The Czech Republic claims that “BUDWEISER” & “BUD” are geographical indications for beer from the town of Ceske Budejovice

The Protection of GI in India


Protection of Geographical Indication (GI) has, over the years, emerged as one of the most contentious IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) issues in the realm of the WTO’s Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). TRIPS defines GI as any indication that identifies a product as originating from a particular place, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristics.

Ponduru Khadi – A Case for GI

Economic Impact of GIs

GIs have now become major intellectual assets in relation to variety of products as they provide added value to products for which consumers are ready to pay. They can be effectively used as a tool for protecting consumer’s interests and bolster quality product but more importantly an economic tool for the development of rural areas. Thereby increasing the production output and enhancing.

Registered GI India

Economic Impact of GIs

GIs have now become major intellectual assets in relation to variety of products as they provide added value to products for which consumers are ready to pay. They can be effectively used as a tool for protecting consumer’s interests and bolster quality product but more importantly an economic tool for the development of rural areas. Thereby increasing the production output and enhancing.

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